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Organizational Behavior and Strategy: START

Management Literature - Scholarly Google

(Search Tips - very useful)

contains scholarly research:  articles, theses, books, and unpublished papers from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. To get access to our subscriptions, go to "Settings, (at the top)" then "Library Links" (at left) - enter Carnegie Mellon in the search box, check the box appearing below, and Save.

Research from Associations, Organizations

Management Literature - Research Articles (Top Resources)

Research databases contain thousands of journal articles - these are the best for management research.  Difference from Google Scholar? They offer specialized searching capabilities.

Company Overviews - Reports

Management Literature - Research Articles (Additional)

Management Literature - Books

Find books on all aspects of people in the workplace: training, diversity, hiring, teams, conflict, motivation, compensation, etc.  Look for them by keyword in the catalog.  Some examples:

Management Literature - Handbooks

Scholarly "handbooks" collect literature reviews, seminal research, or new approaches.