1. If you are in Pittsburgh, you can come to the CMU libraries any time they are open and use the databases through our computers. You just need to ask for a password at the circulation desk. Besides that, it's a great place to live!
2. Many of the links and databases on our business and economics research guides lead to free sources, though they may not indicate that. So give them a try!
3. Send your business librarian an email, and if our licenses permit or if I know of a free source, I'll send you whatever I can.
Tepper MBA/MSCF alumni have access to the ABI/INFORM database, an all-purpose business database, specializing in business research and news. Connect here.
Enlightened cities have good public libraries with excellent business research databases - most available remotely with a library card number. Library cards are free to residents. Here's a good example from Cleveland Public Library. When relocating, check out the public library!
Find your public library here.
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