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English: 76-108 - Writing about Public Problems: Public Policy Briefs

This guide is designed for Carnegie Mellon University's Writing in Academic Context courses, specifically Writing about Public Problems. It introduces steps to completing your class assignment.

What Is a Policy Brief?

"A policy brief outlines the rationale for a particular policy alternative or course of action in a current policy debate.  A policy debate is the ‘market place’ for competing policy ideas.  The purpose of a policy brief is to convince the target audience of the urgency of the current problem and the need to adopt the preferred alternative or course of action outlined, and therefore, serve as an impetus for action. The purpose of a policy brief ranges from exploration (briefs that present a targeted discussion of policy alternatives without promoting a particular one) to advocacy (briefs that argue directly for the adoption of a particular alternative).  All briefs are focused, professional (not academic), evidence-based, succinct, understandable, accessible, practical and feasible, and action-oriented."

Food & Agriculture Organization of the United States (FAO). Writing effective Reports (accessed 09/03/2019 -

How to Write a Policy Brief

How to Write a Policy Brief

Click on the image to see the full page.

Tips on Writing Policy Briefs