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Modern Languages: 82188 - Uses and Abuses of Haiti: Start Here

This guide provides students with some starting points while researching Haiti

Before You Start ....

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks or atlases, can provide a great overview. These kinds of materials help you to:

  • Learn more about the topic in general or a particular aspect of it
  • Locate definitions of concepts, important facts, and key data
  • Understand the context, research themes, and theories relevant to your topic
  • Discover concepts and related vocabulary
  • Identify further readings and ways in which you may focus your topic

Wikipedia is convenient, and can be a place to learn about a new topic, but don't rely on it alone; most Carnegie Mellon University instructors do not accept Wikipedia as a cited source for your assignments.  

Tip:  The best way to look for materials that can provide you with an over view is to use a broad term, a country's name or a region.  Once you type that and the search box, click on  the "CAMEO: Library Catalog" tab and select "Reference" (see screen below):


To find more reference sources, use the Advanced Search in the library catalog, and type the type of source (for example, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks) then select Subject.  You can also check our Reference Shelf.

Here are select examples:

Also, the following reference resources contain background information:


Often you'll find great information in works that  cover larger regions.  Here are some examples:

Remember to ....

Consult General Tips for Finding Resources in Different Languages on the Modern Languages guide home page.