One terminal located in Hunt Library. Another located in Sorrells Library (4th fl. Wean Hall) – financial information system providing analysis and quotes for equities and indices, current company, industry and market news, and economic data for the countries of the world.
Additional terminals are located in the Tepper School. Please consult Tepper Technology Services for additional info and rules for accessing.
From Standard & Poor’s, an extensive database of business financial data, covering over 80,000 global firms dating back to the 1950s. On WRDS platform. When off-campus, connect to Full VPN access. NOTE: Requires CMU email to access. After entering your CMU email address, a an email will be sent to you from WRDS with a link to access WRDS content.
Covers over 188 million global, public and private firms, with company and industry overviews, SWOT, financials, analyst reports, and more - gets a lot of information quickly. NOTE: Limits on downloads per year.