The most comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research available, covering all engineering disciplines. To limit to Compendex, check the appropriate box at the top.
Search or browse resources on the American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences. Database Guide.
Harper's Weekly, the general interest periodical published from 1857-1912, is a primary source for learning about nineteenth-century events, people, and culture. The HarpWeek Database consists of the pages of Harper's Weekly, scanned as images, together with a series of interactive indexes. It contains many images by Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, and Mathew Brady. Literature in the database is searchable by title, author and literary genre. In addition, over 30,000 advertisements, categorized by topic and advertiser, are included. Harper's Weekly provides detailed information and insights on major and minor political, military, and social issues and events prior to and during the Civil War as well as The Reconstruction and Gilded Age.
Describes government technical reports from the U.S. and other countries. Good for locating reports that one should be able to obtain for free from NASA, DOD, DOE, EPA and other agencies. NTRL has the full text of more than 800,000 technical reports.