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Measuring Your Research Impact: Introduction

This guide introduces the Carnegie Mellon University community to available research metrics resources


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What is Research Metrics and Research Impact

What is Research Metrics?

Research metrics is the measurement of the impact of published research based on various metrics

What is Research Impact?

"Research impact is the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy. It embraces all the diverse ways that research-related skills benefit individuals, organizations and nations."   - Research Councils UK (RCUK)

Why is it important?
Knowing the impact of their research can be helpful to the researcher in many ways: to support applications for tenure or promotion; show broad impact for grants and other funding application; quantify, and learn how their research is being used; identify other researchers that are citing their work and identify potential collaborators. 

We can help you...

  • learn the overall impact of your work
  • analyze your and your department's research impact 
  • track your research work in social media
  • enhance the visibility of your research

General Introduction to Research Metrics

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Our team of dedicated experts is constantly honing our skills in order to better support research metrics efforts on campus.

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