In-depth financial/valuation data resource, including information on equities, credit ratings, transactions, and more. Use hundreds of data points to generate lists of companies, markets, executives. Includes an Excel plug-in for data analysis. Create an account using your CMU email address by following these directions. Capital IQ is available only for users on the Pittsburgh campus.
Covers over 188 million global, public and private firms, with company and industry overviews, SWOT, financials, analyst reports, and more - gets a lot of information quickly. NOTE: Limits on downloads per year.
Finding a company's suppliers and customers is often very difficult. Many companies do not wish to reveal this information. One resource that will help with this is Bloomberg. Six Bloomberg terminals can be found in room 1160 (Business Resource Center) of the CMU-Q Library, 1 terminal in room 2035.
The Bloomberg function for supply chain analysis is SPLC <GO> - this tracks a company's key customers and suppliers.
For example, to find Apple's suppliers, search by company ticker and function. Type: AAPL <Equity> SPLC <GO>.
See the screenshot below to see the various relationships: