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History: 79-348: The American Soldier: A Social History of the U.S. Military

Historical Newspapers

Historical newspapers can be a rich resource for primary source information. Looking in small, local papers can often help with personal accounts. Search a particular name and limit by date in some of these databases:

Magazines and Journals

Letters, Diaries, Oral Histories

You can often find letters, diaries, and first-person accounts within books. Search the catalog for a topic or name and add the term "diaries" or "letters" or "oral histories" or "interviews," for example.

Some databases contain mostly letters and diaries:

Images and Video

U.S. Government & Military Documents

Think about what kind of document you want, and what department it could be. You can also find a lot of government documents through Google. Try adding to your search in Google to have it search only US government websites.

Books, Documents, Essays

Worldcat is a comprehensive catalog of books and other materials held in libraries throughout the United States and even some international libraries.  The Center for Research libraries' catalog contains more than 500,000 monographs in all formats and subject areas.The European Library searches European national libraries.