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Alexandre Jacquillat

Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Public Policy, Heinz College

"Air Traffic Management and Shared Urban Mobility Systems"




Henny Admoni

Assistant Professor, The Robotics Institute

"Assistive Robots"


Recent Publications

Gillen, D., Jacquillat, A., & Odoni, A. R. (2016). Airport demand management: The operations research and economics perspectives and potential synergies. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94(C), 495–513.

Jacquillat, A., & Zoepf, S. (2017). Deployment and utilization of plug-in electric vehicles in round-trip carsharing systems. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 0(0), 1–17.

Admoni, H and Scassellati, B. (2017). Social Eye Gaze in Human-Robot Interaction: A ReviewJournal of Human-Robot Interaction (JHRI), 6(1), 25-63.

Admoni, H., Weng, T., Hayes, B., and Scassellati, B. (2016). Robot Nonverbal Behavior Improves Task Performance In Difficult Collaborations. In: 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2016). IEEE. Christchurch, New Zealand, March 7-10.

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Research @ CMU


"The Center for the Future of Work at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College is dedicated to careful scientific investigation of the impact of emerging technologies on the ways in which workers at all skill levels will make their living in the 21st century. The Center investigates the impacts of disruptive innovation on the U.S. labor market, develops policy interventions that ensure the benefits of these innovations are more widely shared, and seeks to use today’s advanced technologies to address the social and economic needs of those currently being left behind."


"Traffic21 is a multi-disciplinary research institute of Carnegie Mellon University. Its goal is to design, test, deploy and evaluate information and communications technology based solutions to address the problems facing the transportation system of the Pittsburgh region and the nation."

Robots are extremely effective in environments like factory floors that are structured for them, and currently ineffective in environments like our homes that are structured for humans. The Personal Robotics Lab of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University is developing the fundamental building blocks of perception, navigation, manipulation, and interaction that will enable robots to perform useful tasks in environments structured for humans.

Liaison to Public Policy

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Sarah Young
Hunt Library, Rm 109G

Liaison to Robotics

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Jessica Benner
4406 Wean Hall