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Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy & Technology: 84-266 Research Design for Political Science: Finding scholarly research

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

You can set up a link from Google Scholar to CMU Libraries' catalog to make connecting to full text resources easier. For more information, see the Libraries Google Scholar Links page.

Foreign Policy Research

For a detailed guide on resources useful in foreign policy, visit the Foreign Policy Research Guide

Government Documents

For a detailed guide on finding government documents, visit the Government Documents Research Guide.

Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations and theses can be rich sources of relevant resources and scholarly literature, as well as provide detailed research methodology. You can find the full text of dissertations and theses in the Dissertations & Theses Global Database.

CIRP Journal


CIRP Journal Logo


CMU's Center for International Relations and Politics sponsors the CIRP Journal a print and online journal containing the work of undergraduate and graduate students on international relations and political science research. 

Policy and Political Science Research Databases

Multidisciplinary databases

Other Subject Databases

The value of citation searching

Schematic showing backward and forward citation searching

An excellent way of discovering new and relevant resources is to use the articles that you have already identified as important works in you search.  The articles and resources in the references or bibliography can point you to other relevant sources that were published prior to the article of interest. 

But how do you find more recent articles that have used and cited the article of interest in their work?


Web of Science is a database of scholarly literature that also tracks citations and allows citation searching.  In the search results window you can:

Screenshot of Web of Science search results indicating sorting option and link to Times Cited