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AI Literacy Resource Hackathon: Start



AI Literacy Resource Hackathon 



The Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Libraries is hosting a hackathon to develop AI literacy teaching and learning materials. The goal of the Hackathon is to gather academic librarians, staff, and other interested parties to develop open educational materials that align with both the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education and emerging principles of AI literacy.

This one-day in-person event will take place at CMU in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on April 3, 2024. While we do not have the ability to cover travel or accommodation, it is free to participate and breakfast and lunch will be provided.

This one-day event will take place at CMU in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on April 3, 2024. It is free to participate and breakfast and lunch will be provided.

We are seeking participants with a range of skills (technical, editorial, pedagogical) and perspectives. 


This event is hosted by the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries. 

If you have any questions, please contact: 


(This will be updated as planning progresses)

Purpose of the Hackathon

Everywhere we look, librarians are concerned about how to teach students to critically think about AI and ethically use AI. We're using the spirit of a Hackathon to bring people together with a common interest/challenge and to create solutions. This Hackathon group will work together to create educational AI literacy lessons and exercises, and share them out with others to use. 

Format of Hackathon

This is a one day, in-person event. The day will include breakout sessions for small groups to create teaching materials and exercises as well as demo and feedback sessions. Small groups will be formed to work together to decide the scope and type of resource they create.

Copyright and licensing 

Creators will retain copyright for the materials they create. All materials will be openly licensed using a Creative Commons license and shared publicly after the Hackathon, so others are able to reuse and remix the materials.

What we will create

The purpose of the Hackathon is create a variety of educational resources and learning exercises that can used by librarians and instructors to teach AI literacy topics. The types of resources, topics covered, length, and modalities is completely flexible. Small groups will be formed to work together to decide the scope and type of resource they create.