The CMUQatar Arabic Book Collection consists of an assortment of Arabic books by well known Arabic authors from all over the Arab World.
Students can use this collection as a way to gain insight into the Arabic literature and heritage. Students will also find, translated books, dictionaries (Arabic-English) and encyclopedias in two languages can even be used as primary sources.
What it is:
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar has an Arabic Book Collection of more than 200 different titles.
What topics we have:
Most of the collection is Modern and Old Arabic literature (Novels, Short Stories, Drama, Epic Stories, Historical Stories, Modern Stories, Essays, Biographies ...etc.)
Also we have some useful dictionaries (Business dictionaries) and encyclopedias.
Popular authors:
We have almost all popular modern literature authors like Alaa al-Aswani, Yusuf Zidan, Ahmad Murad and others.
Also we have popular Old Arabic books like "Lisan Al-Arab" by Ibn Manzur and the well-known folkloric literature book "Kalilah wa Dimnah" by Bida translated by Ibn al-Muqafa.
How can we get Arabic Books:
By searching the library catalog you retrieve bibliographic records for cataloged items meaning that you get results of what is on our database.
Our cataloguers are now trying to add the Arabic script to our records so you can search it by Arabic alphabet as well as English ones, till this is applied to all titles in our collection, and in order to get you desired result, you should try to transliterate the Arabic letters to English ones (what is known also by romanization), for example searching for طه حسين you would write Taha Hussayn, moreover about how to transliterate Arabic to English in the following table.
If you know a simple translation of a specific Arabic book title, our staff at the reference disk would like to lead you to your book along with other titles in the collection. And you can also seach by subjects in English.
You can also browse through a list of Arabic fiction books or Arabic short stories.
Last tip please pay a visit to the collection, it is all in a special shelves on your right hand after the main entrance of the library.
Who can use it:
All education city students are welcome to visit and read the collection. CMU-Q users can borrow materials from this collection with their ID card, and other users can borrow materials through interlibrary loan initiated from their home library.
Usage borrowing limits:
We are looking forward for your recommendation to enrich your Arabic Collection.
Any feedbacks don’t hesitate.
Samples of the Collection:
Some samples from the collection are highlighted below:
There are more samples from the collection highlighted on the side columns of this page.