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Biological Sciences: Summer Research Institute (SRI): Tutorial

A guide for how to find experimental protocols and troubleshoot them.

Create a Free Account with

Use your Andrew email address to sign up for a free account here. You will get extra functionality by using your institutional email address.

Benefits of

  • search hundreds of cell biology protocols by keywords
  • contact the author to get help with the protocol
  • copy a protocol and keep a private and editable version of it in your account
  • create private groups and share protocols among members

Do a Simple Search in

  • You can do a keyword search in to find buffers, reagents, and protocols for common cell biology experiments such as immunohistochemistry, western blots, RNA extraction etc.


  • For example, a search for western blot returns 50 protocols and 13 reagents.



Get Help with a Protocol

  • If you click on a protocol, you will see a comment panel on the right where you can ask the author questions about the protocol.


How to Save a Protocol on

  • There are many options for how you can copy or save protocols. 
    • You can bookmark it, download it as a PDF, or fork it (meaning that you will have an editable copy of it in your own account).


How to Edit a Protocol on

  • In My Library on the toolbar, you can find your collection of protocols that you have uploaded or copied from other users. The protocols are editable - you can add notes, info about equipment, upload files to them, add links etc. You can make these protocols public or keep them private.