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English Department: Information Literacy Rubric

This guide provides resources to support teaching and research of the English Department at Carnegie Mellon University.

Information Literacy Rubric

This is a sample rubric for measuring information literacy at minimum and targeting specific aspects of the 5 Information Literacy Standards as identified by the Association of College and Research Libraries

Information Literacy Rubric
The ability to identify information need, to locate information, to evaluate it, and to effectively and responsibly use it to fullfill information needs.
Beginning Developing Good Exemplary
1 2 3 4
unable or find it difficult Somewhat Able  Mostly Successful Accomplishes Task
Standard I:  Identify/Define Need            
Scope of Research (too broad/narrow)          
Key concepts/terms          
Standard II:  Locate and Select Information          
Familiarity with Available Resources          
Ability to select relevant resources          
Standard III: Evaluate          
Awareness of source quality          
Ability to revise or change strategy          
Standard IV: Effective Use           
Ability to identify concepts and arguments          
Ability to Analyze or Argue          
Standard V:  Reference and Citation          
Correct Citation