Academic research about a variety of topics with particular focus in business and management issues. Contents include journals, books and case studies.
12 journal titles published by INFORMS, the professional association for operations research and management science.
Articles in communications, computer science, engineering, environmental science, IT, operations research, physics and robotics.
Technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics from IEEE journals and conference proceedings. Also includes all current IEEE standards.
For a comprehensive list of available resources, see Newspapers.
British daily business newspaper that focuses on business and economic current affairs from around the world.
Please create an account using your CMU email address. Follow the directions on the screen to set up and activate your CMU account.
Business, market, and economic analysis from Businessweek and Bloomberg News. International business news, daily and weekly newsletters, and full-text of Bloomberg Businessweek. Enter your CMU email ( in the “Enter Your Email” box to sign up for your account. NOTE: this is a separate resource from the Bloomberg Terminal and this account will not work for the terminal. For info on Bloomberg Terminals, see this guide
Articles in major US business newspaper through the WSJ platform. Content includes 4 years of rolling backfiles. CMU affiliates must create an initial account using your CMU Andrew email address. Then you can also download the WSJ app and login there for access too.
This access to the New York Times requires creating an account and logging in with your CMU email address. Students: Access lasts until December 31st of your graduation year. Limitations: Does not include e-reader editions, crosswords or other games, or other premier content. Includes app access, though not all devices support NYT apps.