The majority of our books as well as our video collection and study spaces are located in Hunt Library. Books are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Hunt Library. Check them out at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.
Sorrells Library, located on the 4th floor of Wean Hall, focuses on research support for the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematical sciences, physics and robotics. Sorrells also contains a number of reservable study spaces
Need more databases? See the A-Z Database list, which can be filtered by subject or type.
Academic and industry periodicals in all business disciplines. Also industry, company, and country reports.
Sometimes our library doesn't own something you need, and it's not available via open access. In that case, our Resource Sharing unit can help you obtain it at no charge! See the Interlibrary Loan box below for details and to create your ILLiad account, which is required to place requests.