Negro Newspapers on MicrofilmHillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Ground Floor.
Microfilmed for the Committee on Negro Studies of the American Council of Learned Studies, this collection includes scattered issues of many different Negro newspaper titles, published from 1823 to 1928. All are shelved alphabetically by title.
Afro American Advance (Minneapolis, MN), 1899-1900.
Afro Independent (St. Paul, MN),1888.
Aliened American (Cleveland, OH), 1853.
American Eagle (St. Louis, MO), 1905.
American Negro (Springfield, MO), 1890.
Concordia Eagle (Vidalia, LA), 1875-1880, 1883.
Conservator (Chicago, Il), 1882 (Shelved under "Miscellaneous Negro Newspapers").
Free American (Columbus, OH), 1887.
Iowa Baptist Standard (Des Moines), 1897.
Knoxville Negro World (Knoxville), 1887.
Loyal Georgian (Augusta, GA), 1866-1868.
Midland Express (Boydton, VA), 1893.
Minneapolis Observer (Minneapolis, MN), 1890.
Mirror of the Times (San Francisco, CA), 1857.
National Baptist World (Wichita, KA), 1894.
Negro World (Knoxville, TN), 1891-1900.
New York Freeman (New York, NY), 1885.
Northern Star and Freemen's Advocate (Albany, NY), 1842-1843.
People's Friend (Wichita and Topeka, KA), 1894.
Portland New Age (Portland, OR), 1905-1907.
Progress (Omaha, NE), 1890-1891.
Race Standard (Baltimore, MD), 1897.
Ram's Horn (New York, NY), 1847.
South Carolina Leader (Charleston, SC), 1865.
Tennessee Star (Nashville, TN), 1887.
Twin City American (Minneapolis, MN), 1899.
Union (New Orleans, LA), 1862-1864.
Virginia Star (Richmond, VA), 1878-1882.
Weekly Avalanche (Des Moines, IO), 1893.
Weekly Loyal Georgian (Augusta, GA), 1867-1868.
Weekly Negro World (Knoxville, TN), 1887.
Weekly Review (New Albany, IN ), 1881.
Wichita Tribune (Wichita, KA), 1898.