NOTE: Carnegie Mellon University (Gold)
AASHE Rated 0% for grounds managed in accordance with an organic program
AASHE "100%" Organic Standard Institutions
Antioch College OH (Silver)
92-acre main campus (intensively managed)
- no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides
- "Pest" control applied using IPM monitor and manage approaches and if used use of organic and biocontrol compounds
California College of Arts CA (Reporter)
Urban campus
- non-toxic methods of pest control
- use only native and drought tolerant plant and tree species
- maintain 3 organic gardens which are integrated into the curriculum
- integrate green space into all campus planning initiatives and new development
- compost all plant debris.
- partner with local landscape architects to develop landscaping plans
- facilities and landscaping company are knowledgeable about management of native plants
- comply with municipal storm water requirements
- maintain storm water management systems
- implement rainwater catchments, bioswales, raised beds, sidewalk green, xeriscaped gardens, irrigation controls
- compost 100% of plant debris partnering with landscaper, waste management company and CCA community
Cascadia College, WA (Bronze)
- Team with UW Bothell to care for landscape
- Pesticide and synthetic fertlizer free since 2006
- organic land care on all campus grounds including restored wetlands
- IPM plus healthy soil and biotic community building so that plants thrive
- skilled grounds team to implement organic care practices
- almost exclusively native planting, pollinator friendly and food producing plants needing minimal "pest" protection and watering
- compost all landscaping waste on site
- use completely composted materials in our campus garden beds, Food Forest, and other landscaped areas.
- use Maritime Northwest Citizen Science Monitoring protocols to monitor the presence of bees on campus.
- identify environmentally sensitive areas as part of the EIS for our Campus Master Plan.
- protects a 58 acre restored floodplain wetland along North Creek which feeds into the Sammamish River
Chatham University, PA
- Ban inorganic pesticides on all campus grounds since 2000
- No preemptive applications of pesticides
- Pesticides prohibited for Eden Hall campus (top of watershed)
- Prioritize native species iappropriate to region. A partial list of current native species includes: Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed), Tussilago farfara (colts foot), Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver’s root), Veronica spicata, Andropogon, gentian, Kalmia latifolia, Magnolia virginiana, Ilex verticillata, Solidago sp. (goldenrod), Echinacea, etc.
- Landscape composting since 2000
- 100% yard waste composted on-site
- snow melt: Landscaper's Choice (calcium, magnesium, and acetate)
- rainwater harvesting system from run-off from buildings with buffers, bioswales, and rain gardens (Eden Hall)
- Shadyside arboretum
- dedicated to preserving existing forest in the Breakneck Creek Watershed through water management, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat.
- Eden Hall Masterplan; certificate of Organic Operation from Pennsylvania Certified Organic (USDA Certified Organic);
- longterm slow-managed process of restoration for Glade Run Forest
- contracted with Andropogon Associates, Inc. to conduct an in-depth ecological analysis and study of biodiversity and land health for the Eden Hall Campus; publishedin Eden Hall Campus Master Plan in2011.
Clarkson University (Gold) 98.47
Striving for organic land standard
- Natural methods as first line of control; targeted "pest" management
- Native plantings for trees; not all plants and shrubs native; no new non-native plantings
- Natural preventative measures first (e.g deer resistant plants)
- Chemicals on athletic fields and central campus lawn and moving toward organic stewardship
- Experienced arboriculture groundskeeper
- Significantly more pervious and imprevious surfaces
- aquifer replenishment by allowing water to filter slowly into the groundwater
- open channel storm drainage and vegetated swales for storm water conveyance instead of pipes
- salt brine to lessen the amount of salt (this also helps to keep off rodents).
- Use SNO-PLOW WITH LIQUI-FIRE instead of salt. It is reported as non toxic to humans, pets, or vegetation if used in proper quantities.
- Most snow is simply blown into the yards rather than trucked away.
- Organic landscape wastes composted or chipped reused in landscaping; no dyed mulch is used.
- Fertilizer used from on-campus anaerobic digester from on-campus food waste.
- Build close to existing infrastructure to minimize the need for tertiary development: minimize utility runs; minimize energy use by using solar gain or shading to the maximum extent possible.
- utilize natural ventilation techniques.
- maximize views and spaces for peaceful contemplation by capitalizing on the surrounding natural
- *Sustainable SITES is referenced in design standards: "The Design Team shall utilize passive design strategies to create resource efficient buildings and to address important issues such as site impact, connectivity, water quality, and habitat protection.
- considers surrounding rivers, watersheds, wetlands and natural corridors, vernal pools, flora, fauna
- encourages a park concept and retention of natural species and habitat
- conduct surveys with researchers and students e.g.interdisciplinary class was created with a Sustainability Fund Grant for assessment and documentation
College of the Atlantic, ME (Gold)
- recognizes the problem of the concept of "pest'
- completely ocean-front organic campus
- culture of sustainability
- no inorganic fertilizers, chemical pesticides, fungicides or herbicides for grounds
- compost kitchen and waste from grounds management (grass clippings, weeds, leaves, etc.) as fertilizer
- moving toward native species/plantings to increase pollinators
- historic gardens restored by students, staff, and faculty
- ignore presence of most "pests" hornets or wasps isolated and the nest will be left alone so it can freeze in the winter.
- species diversity of native species, non-invasive or low maintenance species
- systematic manual removal of invasive species
- bioswale areas to control run-off
- parking areas sand and gravel for natural infiltration
- landscape material is produced and reused on site as much as possible
- plants thinned or divided, donated to faculty, staff, and students for their home gardens
- extensive lawn and tree cover for no "heat island" effect
- no paved areas in the interior of campus around buildings; shoveled by hand; plowed driveways; snowblower for pedestrian paths
- snow piled and pushed on site
- extremely icy conditions use the most environmentally friendly salt mixture that we know of, Dynameltx
- owns properties of protected and organically managed forest, wetlands, farmland, for field research or primitive recreation, biodversity inventories, prevention of soil erosion including student activity. (310+ acres total)
Florida State University (Gold)
- organic practices
- eliminate the use of inorganic fertilizers and methods in favor of ecologically preferable materials
- only measures utilized in pest prevention are taken are to control cycad scale on sago palms by the use of coffee grounds and horticultural oils; other insects with physical removal, good sanitation,insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils and bio-rational products.
- little or no chemical spraying; in rare instances Zylam for severe infestations
- native plant species and drought tolerant plants
- works with landscape architects considering their aesthetic qualities, suitability to light exposure, soil conditions, ultimate height, educational merit, etc.).
- during construction salvage and move trees to other spots on campus for replanting.
- maintains certain outlying properties in their natural state, to be used for educational purposes.
- irrigation systems utilize potable water with one exception
- grounds is systematically converting irrigation control systems to utilize smart controllers
- collects yard debris, limbs, and cut trees from campus to the FSU nursery for ground mulch on campus.
- cut grass clippings are reused on site during mowing.
- provide microclimates: appropriate tree placement to increase shade, shrub placement, exposure, amount of shade, existing plant material, irrigation, utitlity locations
- utilizes numerous environmentally preferable materials, :including beneficial microbes as a natural soil amendment to help in the decomposition process
- removal of weed barrier fabric allows for natural decomposition and contributes to the organic components of the surrounding soil
- natural leaf litter is left on site to decompose
- spot fertilized rarely (a few times a year), with a 15-0-15 fertilizer to reduce phosphorus runoff.
- wildlife census for endangered, vulnerable species and environmentally sensitive areas in masterplan or State Lands Management plan for outlying areas.
- Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI), housed within the Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center at FSU, disseminates guides to identify and track Florida’s rarest species. FNAI maintains a database of all conservation lands and vulnerable species to which FSU contributes and utilizes as a best practices resource.