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Heinz College: Research for Your Job Search: Research companies and industries

Discover company Details

If you're interested in opportunities with a specific company, or are preparing for an upcoming interview or job application, you can find out more about that company through the following resources. You can learn more about where the company is investing, its financial health, its location, its size, and its competitors.

Find industry background

Understanding current trends and shifts in an industry can give you a sense of where opportunities in information and technology management may be emerging. These resources provide high-level overviews of industry trends, key players and competitors, written by industry analysts and experts. You can also find data and statistics about specific industries and sectors.

Read the best news sources

Business news and trade journals can be a great way to understand current trends related to an industry or a specific company. The following databases and newspapers are great sources for this kind of 'hot off the press' information. For example, find out if a company is planning an expansion to a new location or is investing in a new sector of research & development.

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Finding Full-Text Articles

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Use the Get it @ CMU links wherever you see them!

If you have citations for specific articles, check the Journal Search to see if we subscribe to the journal that contains the article. If the CMU library collection doesn't have what you're looking for, you can request an article scan via Interlibrary Loan.

Reference librarians are here to help you - so please contact us with any questions!

LibKey Nomad

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LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to the Libraries' full text resources as you find research on the web. LibKey Nomad provides one-click access to full text from websites like PubMed, Wikipedia and publisher pages. Install the plug-in for Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or other browsers by going to this LibKey Nomad download page and choosing Carnegie Mellon University as your institution when prompted.

Research private companies

Private, non-publicly-traded companies can be particularly difficult to glean information about, as they do not have to conform to the same transparent reporting standards as publicly traded firms. The two database below specialize in information about start-ups and private companies and can be a good place to learn more about specific prospective employers operating in the private sector.