The Environmental History Guide provides a wealth of resources including organizations, think tanks, library databases and more related to environmental history.
Dissertations and theses can be rich sources of relevant resources and scholarly literature, as well as provide detailed research methodology. You can find the full text of dissertations and theses in the Dissertations & Theses Global Database.
PoliticoPro is a leading source of timely policy news and analysis. It covers 15 overarching industry areas including Agriculture, Budget and Appropriations, Campaigns, Cybersecurity, Defense, Education, eHealth, Employment & Immigration, Energy, Financial Services, Health Care, Tax, Technology, Trade and Transportation.
1923-present. Unbiased research reports on timely topics. Each report provides an introduction, overview, background, current situation, outlook chronology, pro/con, bibliography, etc. Keyword search for additional reports also show links to other relevant reports. Database Guide.
An interdisciplinary, international, full-text database of over 18,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, transcripts of broadcasts, and selected reference works.
Academic database covering peer-reviewed journals, book series, and conference proceedings - includes scientific, medical, technical and social science topics, with emphasis on citation analysis. Scival feature requires registration but is free to CMU affiliates.
Environmental Issues Online brings together multimedia materials (text, archival primary sources, video and audio) around key environmental challenges, including climate change, water/air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, agriculture, deforestation and more. The database is curated around specific environmental issues and events from the 20th and 21st centuries. Database Guide
Major daily newspaper of Pittsburgh, PA. First-time CMU users must register at: this link. CMU users
see detailed access instructions
To access individual newspapers or find articles that you come across online, go to the library homepage and click on the Journals link above the main search box. From there, search for the title of the newspaper. We have current access to most major newspapers through a variety of platforms. For direct links to common newspapers, see the list below. For a more in-depth guide to find news, including historical and international, see the Newspapers Research Guide.
This access to the New York Times requires creating an account and logging in with your CMU email address.
Students: Access lasts until December 31st of your graduation year.
Faculty: Access lasts for 4 years at which time you must re-authenticate.
Limitations: Unlimited access to NYT articles 1851-present except for 1923-1980 where the limit is 5 articles per day. Does not include e-reader editions, crosswords or other games, or other premier content. Includes app access, though not all devices support NYT apps.
Articles in major US business newspaper through the WSJ platform. Content includes 4 years of rolling backfiles. CMU affiliates must create an initial account using your CMU Andrew email address. Then you can also download the WSJ app and login there for access too. Historical issues through ProQuest (1851-2006) are here, and Wall Street Journal Online articles are here. Fully searchable full page images from 2008 - current (with a 3-month embargo) are here. Other editions are also available. Type wall street journal in the Publication Browse to see options.
Includes current and archived news content from more than 12,700 sources spanning 200+ countries and territories. A combination of global, regional and local news, including a unique merging of news formats (full-text articles, web-only content, PDF image editions), this resource supports a diverse range of research needs across an array of academic disciplines for students and faculty. Exact dates of coverage vary by title, with most ca. 2000 - present.