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Heinz College: 90-771 Jobs & Communities Left Behind: Finding research and news

This guide provides links to resources related to topics such as employment, economy, the coal industry, demographics, and more.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Environmental History Guide

The Environmental History Guide provides a wealth of resources including organizations, think tanks, library databases and more related to environmental history. 

Other Related Research Guides

Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations and theses can be rich sources of relevant resources and scholarly literature, as well as provide detailed research methodology. You can find the full text of dissertations and theses in the Dissertations & Theses Global Database.

Politico Pro



PoliticoPro is a leading source of timely policy news and analysis.  It covers 15 overarching industry areas including Agriculture, Budget and Appropriations, Campaigns, Cybersecurity, Defense, Education, eHealth, Employment & Immigration, Energy, Financial Services, Health Care, Tax, Technology, Trade and Transportation. 

Research in Policy, Politics and Economic Development

Multidisciplinary databases

Environmental Research

Pittsburgh Newspapers

Other News Resources

To access individual newspapers or find articles that you come across online, go to the library homepage and click on the Journals link above the main search box. From there, search for the title of the newspaper. We have current access to most major newspapers through a variety of platforms. For direct links to common newspapers, see the list below. For a more in-depth guide to find news, including historical and international, see the Newspapers Research Guide.