Below are resources for finding historical maps. Hunt Library has many other historical maps, too numerous to list here. Many can be found by doing a subject keyword search in the library catalog, using the terms historical geography maps X, where X is the subject in which you are interested, e. g., historical geography maps europe. If you need help finding historical maps, please ask the Hunt Reference Librarians.
A U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications. Useful for social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Includes thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases, up to a national level.
Visual and numerical presentation of U.S. census data and a wide range of demographic information, 1790 – present. Creates maps and reports at levels from national to block group.