For information about resources related to the Social & Decision Sciences, visit this research guide. It includes reference resources and key databases for the field of study.
Dissertations and theses can be rich sources of relevant resources and scholarly literature, as well as provide detailed research methodology. You can find the full text of dissertations and theses in the Dissertations & Theses Global Database.
CMU's Center for International Relations and Politics sponsors the CIRP Journal a print and online journal containing the work of undergraduate and graduate students on international relations and political science research.
Articles in important academic journals from all disciplines (latest few years not available); also eBooks from leading academic publishers, as well as some images.
Search or browse resources on the American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences. Database Guide.
A data archive of datasets related to social and political research, made available through the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan. CMU affiliates have access to member-only data. To create an account, click Log In from the home page and then Create Account. Note that you must be in the CMU IP range when creating an account (either on campus, or using the Full VPN). Once an account is created, you can access the resource from any location using the link above. Use this guide for more info.
Critical reviews in biological, medical, physical, and social sciences.
Truncation: You can use an * at the end of a word stem to broaden your search to include related terms. For example, to search for child, children or childhood use the search term child*
Putting quotes "" around words allows you to search for a phrase. For example, searching language development, without quotes, finds records with both the word 'language' and 'development' somewhere in the record. Searching "language development", with quotes, only find records with the phrase "language development".
Example: How does bilingualism affect language development in children?
NOTE: When you begin doing advanced searching in a new database, look for the Help or Information sections to determine how that database works, and how it may differ from other databases with which you are familiar.