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Heinz College: 90-846: Societal Consequences of Technological Change: Readings and Videos

Required Readings

New Mobility: Autonomous Vehicles and the Region
Henry, A., Barone, R. E., Pichardo, A., Roach, E., Keegan, T., Simons, D., … Oldenburg, B. (2017). New Mobility: Autonomous Vehicles and the Region (The Fourth Regional Plan) (p. 36). Regional Plan Association. Retrieved from
Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines are affecting people and places
Muro, M., Maxim, R., & Whiton, J. (2019). Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines are affecting people and places (Metropolitan Policy Program). Brookings. Retrieved from
Stop Saying “Smart Cities.”
Sterling, B. (2018, February 12). Stop Saying “Smart Cities.” The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Suggested Readings

Towards an AI Economy That Works for All
Herzenberg, S. (2019). Towards an AI Economy That Works for All (Economic and Workforce Development). Keystone Research Center. Retrieved from
Growing up Through the Cracks
Innerst, S. (2019, January 14). Growing up Through the Cracks. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from
More Americans are using ride-hailing apps
Jiang, J. (2019, January 4). More Americans are using ride-hailing apps. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from
The Tumultuous Tale of the Rural Urban Divide
Joseph, R. (2018). Ride-Sharing Services: The Tumultuous Tale of the Rural Urban Divide. In The Rural Urban Divide (p. 10). New Orleans. Retrieved from

Required Videos

The Potential of Self-Driving Vehicles

A TED talk by Dr. Raj Rajkumar, George Westinghouse Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (and other positions) at CMU and one of the world’s leaders in autonomous vehicle technology. 

How AI Changes Work and What We Should Do About It 

A TED talk by Dr. Tom Mitchell, Lead Technologist and E. Fredkin Professor of Machine Learning and Interim Dean, School of Computer Sciences at CMU

Suggested Videos

Can AI Make Education Great Again?

A TED talk by Dr. Lee Branstetter,  Professor of Economics and Public Policy and Director of the Center for the Future of Work at CM