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Business MSBA: 46-897: Business Communication for Analytical Decision Making: Start


Use this guide to find large data sets on a variety of business and economics topics that can be used for assignments in Prof. Walter's Business Communications for Analysts class!

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FREE)

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)


1. Use the filters on the left to drill down to specific data sets of interest. Add as many as you like.

2. Select data set of interest. You can change the time frame (if desired) and edit other aspects of the data using the "Edit Graph" button.

3. Once all data is ready, use the "Download" button to export data into a variety of outputs. (FREE)


1. Start by selecting data either by Subject or search using keywords.

2. On the results list, use the filters on the left to narrow data set results.

3. Once desired data set is found, visit that page and download using the available options. NOTE: some data is not downloadable and will re-direct to an external page.

Wharton Research Data Services

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)



1. After logging in with your Day Pass link, select a database/set of interest under "Subscriptions" (e.g., CRSP).

2. Select the type of data of interest.

3. Choose your criteria of interest in each Step (e.g., date range, companies, variables, and output).

4. Once all criteria are added, select "Submit Form." The query will run for a little time.  When the query is finished, click on the link in the "Output Files" section.

Business & Economics Librarian

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Ryan Splenda
109C Hunt Library
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
4909 Frew Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-2453