You may also want to browse for books. Try these call number ranges in Hunt Library:
While the 4th floor of Hunt Library is closed, reference books located in FA-REF-4 can be requested at the library's lending desk on the first floor. Books with other 4th floor locations (STACKS-4, OVRSZQ-4, FOLIOS-4) can be requested through the library catalog. See How to Request a Book [video].
As you use each source, look for citations in bibliographies and footnotes that will lead you to other sources. If you find references to items that Carnegie Mellon does not own they may be requested through Interlibrary Loan if you allow a week or more.
Contains over 48 million records, covering all materials cataloged by OCLC member libraries around the world.
eBook Collections
An online collection of around 5,000 books of high quality in the humanities from the American Council of Learned Societies.