Sometimes our library doesn't own something you need, and it's not available via open access. In that case, our Resource Sharing unit can help you obtain it at no charge! See the Interlibrary Loan box below for details and to create your ILLiad account, which is required to place requests.
To use databases, ebooks, and access articles from off-campus, use any link from the library Catalog or from our databases A to Z page. Links on the CMU Libraries Research Guides also will prompt for AndrewID before letting you access the resource.
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to the Libraries' full text resources as you find research on the web. LibKey Nomad provides one-click access to full text from websites like PubMed, Wikipedia and publisher pages.
example of a journal page with the LibKey Nomad Access pop-up at the bottom
While Libraries don't have access to Netflix and similar personal streaming services, we do have a large collection of streaming videos. Look at our list of streaming media databases for documentaries, foreign-language and independent films, newsreels and historic videos, streaming music, as well as some major motion pictures.