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Electronic Resources: Overview

eResources Overview

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries provides access to many electronic resources to support our users with their research and scholarship.

Statement on Electronic Resources Use

eResources are licensed to the Libraries and are available to current CMU affiliates using their Andrew ID and password. Please see the Statement on Electronic Resources Use for more information about permitted and prohibited uses/ actions.

Searching and accessing eResources

The catalog, or discovery interface, contains electronic resources in all varieties of resource types, like full-text articles, eBooks and eJournals, streaming video, digital images, and more. 

Search scopes and facets can be used to narrow (or expand) your search results. 

For best results, sign into your account first to ensure you're seeing all resources available to you.

Databases, eResources & Tools is an alphabetical list of electronic databases, platforms, and tools categorized by subjects and collection types, ie. streaming or eBook collections.

Check if we have electronic subscriptions for a journal or newspaper, and what years you can access. You can also browse scholarly eJournals by subject using BrowZine

Search or browse streaming video titles in the catalog, or see all streaming platforms on the A-Z list for the most up-to-date videos available to stream. Visit the Streaming Media and Accessibility guide to learn about streaming resources accessibility features.

eResources Troubleshooting Tips

These troubleshooting tips will often resolve issues when accessing eResources:

Helpful Browser Tools

 EZproxy Bookmarklet

Create a browser bookmarklet that adds the Libraries EZproxy prefix when browsing the web and you would like to see if CMU provides access. Enter this as the bookmark URL: 

Visit the article/resource you're interested in, then click the bookmarklet to apply the proxy prefix. *Note: This may not work with every resource

 OpenAthens redirector Bookmarklet

Create a browser bookmarklet that adds the Libraries OpenAthens Redirector prefix when browsing the web and you would like to see if CMU provides access. Enter this as the bookmark URL: 

Visit the article/resource you're interested, then click the bookmarklet to apply the redirector prefix.

See also this OpenAthens Link Generator tool for CMU:

*Note: These may not work with every resource

LibKey Nomad
Install the LibKey Nomad browser extension for one-click access to full-text resources. Learn more and see installation instructions.
Find articles by DOI or PMID. Select Carnegie Mellon University from the list of organizations. 

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