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English: 76-207 - Special Topics in Literature & Culture: Accessing Resources Remotely

This resource is designed to help you successfully locate resources you need to complete your assignments.

What you need to know:

The Libraries offer many ways to connect with our resources and specialists when our spaces are closed or if you are working remotely.   

How to Connect to Online Resources from Off-Campus 

You can connect to most databases and e-resources remotely using your Andrew ID and password, and you will be prompted automatically to log in when needed. Some materials may require use of campus VPN. See these instructions for guidance

Access eBooks, e-journals, or databases by subject or media type, including streaming video and audio. Utilize mobile eBook readers and other apps to streamline your remote experience.  

Many of CMU’s own special collections are digitized and available online

A Study FAQ

This document includes some helpful hints and an FAQ to help you continue your studies as you are taking your classes online. 

Accessing Books Online:  

Subject Specialists have assembled an up-to-date list of free textbooks and expanded resources to support remote teaching and learning. Publishers are making their content more freely available, the Publisher Access Changes list features the latest updates.  

Research Guides: 

The Libraries offer a range of online subject-specific research guides to recommend sources and provide tips on utilizing the Libraries’ collections. 

Online Account Access and Renewals 

Log in to My Account to see what you have checked out, see when things are due, and renew your materials. 

Contact Me

My contact information is available on the right of this box.  Please don't hesitate to email.  I am also available to for Zoom consultations.

Need help? Contact me:

Profile Photo
Ashley Werlinich
Hunt Library 410B
(412) 268-6625

Need additional help?

Please feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions.