In addition to offering access to the contents of many magazines and newspapers through the ProQuest database, the Libraries provides current CMU students, staff and faculty access to many news magazine websites.
Foreign Affairs is a leading forum for discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. The link provides access to all content on the Foreign Affairs website, including current articles, commentary, analyses and book reviews, archival content dating back to 1922, as well as the Foreign Affairs Interview podcast and access to newsletters.
Access all online content from Foreign Policy Magazine. Foreign Policy is a US-based news and analysis publication since 1970, focused on international affairs, current events, and US and international policy. In addition to accessing articles, you can sign up for any number of e-newsletters, access podcasts and gain free access to live and virtual events.
Business, market, and economic analysis from Businessweek and Bloomberg News. International business news, daily and weekly newsletters, and full-text of Bloomberg Businessweek. Enter your CMU email ( in the “Enter Your Email” box to sign up for your account. NOTE: this is a separate resource from the Bloomberg Terminal and this account will not work for the terminal. For info on Bloomberg Terminals, see this guide
To access the News Module, click on the Janes News Module link above and then the "News & Analysis" tab in the upper right of the landing page. Janes News Module offers the full suite of Janes security events, terrorism, technology and industry reporting capabilities. If you would like to set up a personal account to save news items, set up alerts, etc., email Sarah Young at
A twice-monthly intelligence report from the National Journal that monitors and summarizes developments with artificial intelligence legislation, regulation, and conversations at the state and federal levels. If you would like to receive this via email directly from National Journal, please contact Sarah Young.
The world’s largest database for public policy, with more than 3.2 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 24,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. It includes over a million pages of premium content from leading publishers and restored from organizations that have disappeared. The resource includes access to the North American City Reports collection - a collection of over 130,000 city documents from the five hundred largest cities in North America, including various municipal and regional organizations.
To access individual newspapers or find articles that you come across online, go to the library homepage and click on the Journals link above the main search box. From there, search for the title of the newspaper. We have current access to most major newspapers through a variety of platforms. For direct links to common newspapers, see the list below. For a more in-depth guide to find news, including historical and international, see the Newspapers Research Guide.
This access to the New York Times requires creating an account and logging in with your CMU email address. Students: Access lasts until December 31st of your graduation year. Faculty: Access lasts for 4 years at which time you must re-authenticate. Limitations: Unlimited access to NYT articles 1851-present except for 1923-1980 where the limit is 5 articles per day. Does not include e-reader editions, crosswords or other games, or other premier content. Includes app access, though not all devices support NYT apps.
Articles in major US business newspaper through the WSJ platform. Content includes 4 years of rolling backfiles. CMU affiliates must create an initial account using your CMU Andrew email address. Then you can also download the WSJ app and login there for access too. Historical issues through ProQuest (1851-2006) are here, and Wall Street Journal Online articles are here. Fully searchable full page images from 2008 - current (with a 3-month embargo) are here. Other editions are also available. Type wall street journal in the Publication Browse to see options.
British daily business newspaper that focuses on business and economic current affairs from around the world. Please create an account using your CMU email address. Follow the directions on the screen to set up and activate your CMU account.
Includes current and archived news content from more than 12,700 sources spanning 200+ countries and territories. A combination of global, regional and local news, including a unique merging of news formats (full-text articles, web-only content, PDF image editions), this resource supports a diverse range of research needs across an array of academic disciplines for students and faculty. Exact dates of coverage vary by title, with most ca. 2000 - present.
Major daily newspaper of Pittsburgh, PA. First-time CMU users must register at: this link. CMU users
see detailed access instructions
Provides access to a suite of tools and resources including editorial coverage on policy and politics. Resources in this platform include timely analysis and information on political campaigns, elections, legislation, and committee hearings; a calendar of daily events on and off Capitol Hill; a congressional and federal staff directory; access to live webinars by policy and election experts; and more. If you'd like to set up a personal account to enable daily e-newsletters and other features, contact Sarah Young at the Hunt Library,
An online content platform providing commentary on topics of current significance related to policy, current events, democracy, international relations, economics and more. It is written for a global audience by prominent political leaders policymakers, scholars, business leaders and civil activists from around the world. You can register for a free personal account to receive newsletters, bookmark articles and follow specific authors.