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Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology: Finding scholarly research

This guide provides links to library resources and other information useful to students enrolled in CMIST programs.

CIRP Journal


CIRP Journal Logo


CMU's Center for International Relations and Politics sponsors the CIRP Journal a print and online journal containing the work of undergraduate and graduate students on international relations and political science research. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Foreign Policy Research

For a detailed guide on resources useful in foreign policy, visit the Foreign Policy Research Guide

Government Documents

For a detailed guide on finding government documents, visit the Government Documents Research Guide.

Research Databases

Searching Databases

Boolean Searching Venn DiagramsMost databases allow the use of AND, OR and NOT to broaden or narrow and search. 

  • AND will narrow the search to include only records with both terms. 
  • OR with broaden the search to include records with either term.
  • NOT will narrow the search to exclude records with one of the terms.


Truncation:  You can use an * at the end of a word stem to broaden your search to include related terms.  For example, to search for child, children or childhood use the search term child*


Putting quotes "" around words allows you to search for a phrase.  For example, searching language development, without quotes, finds records with both the word 'language' and 'development' somewhere in the record.  Searching "language development", with quotes, only find records with the phrase "language development".


Example: How does bilingualism affect language development in children?


Screenshot example of a search strategy in the advanced search of Web of Science


NOTE:  When you begin doing advanced searching in a new database, look for the Help or Information sections to determine how that database works, and how it may differ from other databases with which you are familiar.