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Open Science Framework: Publishing

A guide for how to use the open source project management platform, Open Science Framework

Examples of Preprint Publishing


OSF Preprints can be created following the same upload process as other community preprint services. You can also find a comprehensive list of preprint servers¹ based on disciplinary scope that compares server policies across platforms. 


¹ A systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting. Jamie J Kirkham, Naomi Penfold, Fiona Murphy, Isabelle Boutron, John PA Ioannidis, Jessica K Polka, David Moher. bioRxiv 2020.04.27.063578; doi:

Getting DOIs for Projects

Although DOIs are designated and administered by CrossRef, DOIs can also be done through OSF to publicly share projects. OSF Projects must be set to, Make Public to create a DOI. 


DOIs for individual research products such as datasets, publications, and conference posters can be obtained by sharing materials on KiltHub, CMU's repository.

Sharing Data


Learn the what, when, where, how, and why of data sharing and open data.

Additional Ways to Share

  • Share on Social Media: Share public projects, files, and registrations on social media to increase discoverability.

  • Generate Pre-formatted Citations for Bibliographies.

  • Tag Projects: The discoverability of projects are enhanced when adding tags (aka metadata) to your projects and components.

  • Create View-Only Link for Projects: Configure view-only links in either the "Contributors" or "Settings" tab of OSF projects. If projects are private, a view-only link offers a way to share the private contents with non-contributors by creating an anonymized view-only link to hide contributor names in the project - this is particularly useful in blinded peer review.

  • Fork Projects: Connect your project to other projects by forking a project. Forking will create a copy of an existing project and its components that points back to the original project, forming a network of citations.