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Heinz College: 90-774 Public Expenditure Analysis: Using the Library

This guide provide links to library and other resources useful for public expenditure research.

Finding Full-Text Articles

Get It at CMU button image

Use the Get it @ CMU links wherever you see them!

If you have citations for specific articles, check the Journal Search to see if we subscribe to the journal that contains the article. If the CMU library collection doesn't have what you're looking for, you can request an article scan via Interlibrary Loan.

Reference librarians are here to help you - so please contact us with any questions!

Library Catalog

Main search box on library home page


From the CMU Library Homepage you can search for materials across the library system including books, music, dissertations, and journal articles.

You can search by keywords, title, author or call number using the Advanced Search feature of the library catalog.

The results page will list CMU holdings and will be sorted by relevance by default.  You can sort by date, author, or title using the drop-down menu to the left of the search results. 

If the library doesn't have what you're looking for, consider Interlibrary Loan for access to non-CMU holdings.

Off-Campus Access

In general, when off campus, if you are accessing library resources via the library homepage, or any CMU Libraries website including this guide, you should be prompted to sign in using your CMU credentials to access full text resources. However, for a few resources or to troubleshoot access when you are off-campus, you may need to connect using the VPN client as described on our Accessing the Library from Off-campus page.

If using the VPN to access the library, make sure you are using the Full VPN.


Screenshot of Cisco AnyConnect log in showing Full VPN versus Campus VPN dropdown menu


Borrowing from other libraries

Log in to ILLiad button

You can borrow items from other libraries if CMU Libraries does not have what you're looking for. ILLiad is our Interlibrary Loan system.  Simply log into the Interlibrary Loan system, fill out a registration form if its your first time using the system and then click on a New Request link in the left hand column.

In-Depth Style Guides

Purdue OWL logo

The Purdue Online Writing Lab including guides to APA, MLA and Chicago Styles

Legal Information Institute Logo
The Legal Information Institute provides this overview of basic legal citation.


EasyBib Logo

Citation guides by EasyBib for MLA, APA and Chicago styles