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History: 79-289: Animal Planet: An Environmental History of People and Animals: Images

Using and Finding Images

Searching for anything on the Web can be rewarding, frustrating, but most of all, time consuming.  Below are some sites that can help you find images of animals and people for your curated exhibit. Most importantly, many these sites will give you images that allow for downloading, so that you have no ethical or legal concerns about their reuse.


Finding Images in the Library Catalog

  • Use “resource type”
  • Use synonyms
    • Nature, environmental, fauna, bestiary
    • Art, Art history, images, symbolism, imagery, iconography, illustrations
  • Look at a book's table of contents to see a list of illustrations and photographs
  • Look at a book's index at the end to find relevant keywords and see where your topic might appear

Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian

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Charlotte Kiger Price
Hunt Library 109E
Pittsburgh, PA