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Article Processing Charge (APC) Fund

Publisher Discounts

Some of the University Libraries’ affiliations include discounts on Article Processing Charges  to encourage open access publishing. Discounts are not necessarily applied automatically. Corresponding CMU authors should inform the publisher or note the reduced fee on the invoice.


Peer J Membership

The University Libraries pays for CMU Authors' lifetime memberships in PeerJ. Only PeerJ members can publish in PeerJ, and members can publish for free, at a frequency based on the levels of membership.

The Libraries will pay for PeerJ memberships at the Basic (one publication per year) or Enhanced (two publications per year) level. The membership fee will be paid automatically when CMU authors with a validated email address submit or have an article accepted for publication in a PeerJ journal. Memberships are for life, and researchers retain membership if they leave Carnegie Mellon.

PeerJ publishes seven peer-reviewed journals:


Learn more about CMU Libraries and PeerJ