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Biological Sciences: Home

Data & Code Consultations

Book an in-person or virtual consultation for help with R, Python, or other coding and data science needs. We have a team of experts on hand to help you!

CMU Libraries Workshop Series

We offer free 1-2 hour workshops on a large variety of topics including Python, R, Command Line, cleaning data, GitPages, data visualization, citation management, and more! 

Dataquest: an interactive data science learning platform

Carnegie Mellon Libraries offer university-wide premium licenses for Dataquest, the scaffolded online learning platform with a full catalog of interactive coursesskill paths such as data visualization, machine learning, and data scraping and career paths using Python, R, Power BI, and Tableau. You learn by doing, completing exercises and getting immediate feedback directly. Use your andrew email address and password to activate your premium account here

Get a 1:1 Consultation for LabArchives

LabArchives is an Electronic Research Notebook that can be used for securely storing, sharing, searching, and managing research data in any field or as an instructional tool in classes. All CMU affiliates have free access to the Educational and Professional Editions of LabArchives. To learn more about how to use the platform, visit our page here or contact Sherry Cusano at to set up a free consultation for you or your work group on how to get started with it.


Documenting Research Protocols with

Supported by the University Libraries, is an open source repository for scientists to record and share detailed up-to-date protocols for research and teaching purposes.  Carnegie Mellon University members can access their free Premium account by verifying their CMU email address. 


  • supports sharing protocols within a lab. This helps research groups organize their methods and ensures that knowledge is not lost as students and postdocs move on. 


  • supports reproducible research. All protocols are dynamic and interactive, can be shared privately and publicly, and support transparency and reuse.   


  • supports sharing protocols within methods courses. This helps students to follow instructions precisely, stay organized, and have the opportunity to interact with class content online. 


For more information on, please visit our webpage: 

For additional support contact our University Libraries data services team:

Biological Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Melanie Gainey
WEH 4418
Sorrells Library

Useful Resource for Accessing Articles

The LibKey Nomad browser extension provides one-click access to the Libraries' full text resources as you find research on the web and in databases. Find information on how to install here