In general, you will need to search CAMEO for books on that topic (see Books). Here are some titles to get you started (Tip: be sure to look at the full record for additional clues to search term):
- Cates, Jo A. Journalism: a guide to the reference literature (Hunt Library - Call Number Z6940 .C38 2004)
- Gastel, Barbara. Health writer's handbook (Hunt Library - Call Number R119 .G376 2005)
- Glasman-Deal, Hilary. Science research writing for non-native speakers of English (Mellon Institute Library - Call Number PE1475 .G57 2010)
- Gurak, Laura J. The technical communication handbook (Hunt Library - Call Number T10.5 .G845 2009)
- McMurrey, David A. A writer's handbook for engineers. (Engineering & Science Library - Call Number T11 .M3685 2008)
- Spilka, Rachel. Digital litearcy for technical communication: 21st century theor and practice (Hunt Library - Call Number T10.5 .D55 2010)
- Woolever, Kristin R. Writing for the technical profession (Hunt Library - Call Number PE1475 .W66 2008).
addition, many of these works are indexed in online collections and are often available in full-text. They are good for those who wish to explore resources or for
finding additional information sources: