- The George A. Roberts Engineering Hall at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was dedicated on May 19, 1997.
- When Dr. Roberts agreed to fund Roberts Hall, he asked to have his book collection in the building, along with the books and collected papers of his mentor, Robert F. Mehl. Mehl was Professor and Head of the Department of Metallurgy, 1935-1960.
- These materials were brought together where they remain housed in part of the Hall known as the Dilks Room, consisting of a conference table with locked bookcases, located next to the Singleton Room by the Roberts Atrium. From the windows, the Carnegie Museum is viewed across the ravine.
- "Roberts Hall: A Reflection" Carnegie Mellon University, Carnegie Institute of Technology-College of Engineering.
More information on Roberts Hall building plans, courtesy of Martin Aurand, Architecture Librarian
Design of Roberts Hall: D'Appolonia
Mosites Construction Company
The Dedication booklet