Search the Carnegie Mellon University Library Catalog to find materials in all media that the CMU Libraries own or to which the Libraries subscribe
Some search hints:
1. Use Advanced Search to get more direct results.
2. Be as specific as you can. For example if you're reseaching veils, try just the word veils first - either as a Word or Phrase, Title, or Subject.
3. For broader searches consider using some of the keywords below. Avoid using too many search words at a time. It may limit your search to the point of little or no results. The Library Catalog has a more narrowly defined search syntax and structure than the open web.
- costume
- fashion
- clothing
- dress
with words such as
- exhibitions
- design or (designers)
- history
- motion pictures
- philosophy
- psychology
- Shakespeare
- social life and customs
- symbolic aspects
- politics
- (by century) e.g. 19th century
- (by country) e.g. Great Britain
- etc.