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Drama: Costume: Search the Library Catalog

Search the Library Catalog

Search the Carnegie Mellon University Library Catalog to find materials in all media that the CMU Libraries own or to which the Libraries subscribe

Some search hints:

1. Use Advanced Search  to get more direct results.

2. Be as specific as you can. For example if you're reseaching veils, try just the word veils first - either as a Word or Phrase, Title, or Subject.

3. For broader searches consider using some of the keywords below. Avoid using too many search words at a time. It may limit your search to the point of little or no results. The Library Catalog has a more narrowly defined search syntax and structure than the open web.

  • costume
  • fashion 
  • clothing
  • dress

with words such as

  • exhibitions
  • design or (designers)
  • history
  • motion pictures
  • philosophy
  • psychology
  • Shakespeare
  • social life and customs
  • symbolic aspects
  • politics
  • (by century) e.g. 19th century
  • (by country) e.g. Great Britain
  • etc.