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Engineering and Public Policy: Your Research Impact: SciVal



Sci Val can be accessed from the Databases A-Z list, or from within the Scopus database.  It uses data from the Scopus database to all researchers to understand the impact of their work.  You need to register to use, or sign in with Elsevier credentials if you have them.

SciVal can:

  • give an overview of the research performance of your institution and others based on output, impact, and collaborations
  • benchmark determine strengths and weaknesses. Compare your research institution and teams to others based on performance metrics. 
  • indentify and analyze existing and potential collaboration opportunities.
  • give trends by analyzing reseach areas to find top performing universities, authors, and Scopus sources.

Sci Val Overview

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Instituion Overview:




Researcher Overview:

SciVal Benchmarking

Institution Benchmarking:


Researcher Benchmarking:

Sci Val Collaboration

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EPP Librarian

Julie Chen 

Contact Info
Julie Chen, Librarian
Sorrells Engineering & Science Library, Wean Hall

EPP Research Impact Guide

EPP Research Impact Guide created by Sue Collins, maintained by Julie Chen