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Access information for several popular periodical subscriptions at CMU Libraries

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the longest-running and most popular daily newspapers in the United States. Current Carnegie Mellon University students, faculty, and staff have full access to the through the CMU Libraries.

How to Sign Up

To sign up for your CMU Libraries' New York Times Academic account:

  1. Choose either of the following options:
  2. Complete the create an account form. If signing up on-campus, use any email address and a password of your choice. If signing up off-campus, use your AndrewID email address and a password of your choice.
  3. Activate your account from your CMU email

Once you have activated your account, you can log in from any device at or the The New York Times News App for iOS or Android.

Existing Subscribers and Users

If you currently have an active paid NYT digital or print subscription:

  • It is not possible to use the same email address for both a personal and a separate Carnegie Mellon University Libraries-sponsored digital NYT account.
  • If your paid subscription is associated with the email address that you like to use for this Libraries-sponsored access, contact the NYT directly to cancel your paid account before registering for the Carnegie Mellon University subscription. To cancel a personal subscription:
    • Call the NYT's Customer Service Department at 800-698-4637
    • Connect with the online Customer Care Chat

If you are an existing registered user (but do not have an active paid subscription), you can use your existing account for the Libraries-sponsored access. Follow the directions above to sign up for the academic account, but choose the "Already have an account? Log in" option rather than create a new account. Use the same email address and password.


If you have any issues, please contact NYT Customer Support:

What does this subscription include?

The Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' academic subscription to the includes:

This academic subscription does not include Home Delivery of the print edition. It also does not include access to any of The New York Times premium features: The Athletic, Cooking, Games (Crosswords), or Wirecutter. It does not include access to the NYTimes "Replica Edition"

Who has access?

All current Carnegie Mellon University faculty, students, and staff. Access is available both on- and off-campus. Account expiration is based on your status:

  • Student accounts expire in December of the anticipated graduation year entered when registering for an account. Continuing students with a change of graduation year should follow up directly with The New York Times to extend access (, 800-698-4637, or Customer Care Chat).
  • Faculty and staff accounts expire after four years for current faculty and staff and can be renewed.

Historical NYTimes access

For access to older New York Times articles, use either the Historical New York Times database or TimesMachine