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With the Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest publishing option, graduate students can publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis. Once published, open access graduate works will be made available in the following ways, ensuring the widest possible exposure of the author’s graduate research:
PQDT Open Access Publishing PLUS Cost: $95 |
PQDT Traditional Publishing Cost: Free |
Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest | X | |
Option for Open Access from Your Institution | X | X |
Optional Exposure to search engines | X | X |
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Published citation and abstract | X | X |
Fulfills Mandatory Deposit Requirement with Library of Congress | X | X |
Appendix check for copyright issues | X | X |
Appendix check for copyright issues | X | X |
Appendix check for copyright issues | X | X |
On-demand print copies | X | X |
Award eligibility | X | X |
Copyright filing available ($55 service fee) | X | X |
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