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Biological Sciences: 03-346: Experimental Neuroscience: Home

This guide provides links, tutorials and tips to finding and accessing scholarly research in biology and neuroscience.

Need Help?


Schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Melanie Gainey (, the librarian liaison for biological sciences, for in-depth help with literature searches, databases, citation management, creating a research plan for assignments, and more.

About this Guide

This guide provides some links and brief videos to show you how to find reliable information sources, navigate databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, and manage your research with the citation manager, Zotero.  This guide will help you do research more efficiently, which will save you a lot of time in this class and others! In the tabs in this guide, you will find information to help you:

Useful Resource for This Class

The Allen Mouse Brain Atlas is a comprehensive genome-wide map of the adult mouse brain that reveals where each gene is expressed. It's a widely used resource in the neuroscience research community.

Biological Sciences Librarian

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Melanie Gainey
WEH 4418
Sorrells Library