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English Department: Home

This guide provides resources to support teaching and research of the English Department at Carnegie Mellon University.

Welcome students, faculty, and staff

Hunt library Hello and Welcome!  I am your library liaison and act as the primary library contact for the English Department.  In this capacity, I strive to collaborate with the department in order to identify resources and build book and journal collections that best support the curricular and research needs of the department.  Feel free to browse the various pages and provide comments and feedback.  In addition, I provide library services such as research instruction and reference consultations.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.


If you are new to the university, please visit one of the following for additional information:

- Undergraduate, Graduate

- Post-Docs & Visiting Researchers

- Faculty

- Staff

Contact Information

Profile Photo
Charlotte Kiger Price
Hunt Library 109E
Pittsburgh, PA

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