Market, industry, company, and demographic statistics, data-centered reports and dossiers, fully downloadable, various formats, international, easy-to-use.
Includes access to the Consumer Insights (formerly Global Consumer Survey, a resource that offers global consumption and media usage data of consumers. A great market research tool for consumer behavior and interactions with brands. Select the Insights > Explore Consumer Insights within Statista.
A data archive of datasets related to social and political research, made available through the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan. CMU affiliates have access to member-only data. To create an account, click Log In from the home page and then Create Account. Note that you must be in the CMU IP range when creating an account (either on campus, or using the Full VPN). Once an account is created, you can access the resource from any location using the link above. Use this guide for more info.
Archive of social sciences data. Data primarily from survey of public opinion. NOTE: Register for a free account with your CMU email address for full access to Roper iPoll content.
Features data series created from more than 50,000 government and non-government datasets, covering popular topics of research interest for U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan areas. Database has been retired and statistics are now incorporated into the DataPlanet database. Link redirects there.
World Bank datasets for development indicators for all countries in finance, communications, environment, education, labor, health, and economics, current and historical.