The Audio Collection includes a variety of music styles, eras and genres. In addition to the musical recordings, the collection also houses an interesting assortment of non-musical recordings.
Operas, Operettas and Musicals
While the core of the collection has always been strong in the areas of operas and musicals, it was enhanced in 1988 with the acquisition of the Robert Cowan gift. This 2800+ LP collection includes many unique opera and operetta titles.
Motion Picture Soundtracks
In 1992, a collection of more than 2500 motion picture sound track recordings was donated to the Hunt Library by the family of Stephen L. Sothras. The Sothras collection encompasses the work of most of the important film music composers up through the late '80's, and consists of primarily LPs, but also includes approximately 200 compact discs.
Studio Cutz
Copyright free music for educational use. Each CD covers a unique theme, with titles such as "Acoustic Brew" and "Silly Stuff" with 60 second edits, 30 second edits, and short edits (or stingers) of each song. Search keywords "Studio Cutz" in the library catalog for a complete listing.
Non Musical Recordings
In a variety of formats, non musical recordings include:
Sound Effects
We have several different sets of sound effects available on CD. The BBC sound effects library, the Network sound effects library and the Hollywood Edge sound effects library. Indexes are located in the Audio Collection. Copyright free for educational use.