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Chemistry: Databases and Preprint Servers

Chemical Literature Databases

Databases are searchable indexes of the research articles in journals. They do not house the articles themselves, but will usually link to where you can find the full text. Look for the blue "find it at CMU" button! Some of the most useful databases to get started with for chemistry are the following:

Preprint Servers


If you need: the latest chemistry
ChemRxiv ("chem archive") is a preprint server in chemistry and related chemical sciences. ChemRxiv is co-owned by five of the largest chemistry academic societies - the American Chemical Society (ACS), Chinese Chemical Society, Chemical Society of Japan, German Chemical Society (GDCh), and the Royal Society of Chemistry. The manuscript published on ChemRxiv are not peer reviewed.


engrXiv ("engineering archive") is dedicated to the dissemination of engineering research. engrXiv was launched by University of Wisconsin-Stout, and in partnership with the Center for Open Science. The manuscript published on engrXiv are not peer reviewed.


arXiv ("archive") is an open-access archive for 1,732,878 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. The manuscript published on arXiv are not peer reviewed.