Here is a select list of core sources for communication, information, and design:
Hornblower, Simon. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. HUNT REF-1 DE5 .O9
Horner, Winifred Bryan, ed. The Present State of Scholarship in Historical
and Contemporary
HUNT REF-1 PN183 .P7 1990
Lanham, Richard A. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. HUNT REF-1 PE1445 .A2 L3
Mulholland, Joan. Handbook of Persuasive Tactics: A Practical Language Guide. HUNT REF-1 P301.5 .P47 M85
Moran, Michael G. Research in Composition and Rhetoric: a bibliographic sourcebook. HUNT BSMT Z2015 .R5 .R47
Sonnino, Lee A. A Handbook to Sixteenth-Century Rhetoric. HUNT STACKS-2 PN218 .S6
Speck, Bruce W. Collaborative Writing: an annotated bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1999. HUNT REF-1 Z5818 .E5 .C64
The following are online collections (some full-text) of general works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and much more. They are good for finding additional information sources: