Authors Mine Drainage Research
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh, PA : Mellon Institute, 1965. (TN321 .S98 1965)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Second Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1968. (TN321 .S98 1968)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Third Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1970. (TN321 .S98 1970)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Fourth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1972. (TN321 .S98 1972)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Fifth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1974. (TN321 .S98 1974)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Sixth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1976. (TN321 .S98 1976)
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Seveth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1977. (TN321 .S98 1977)
Hinkle, M.E. and W.A. Koehler. Annual Report for 1944 of Bituminous Coal Research, Inc. Investigations on coal Mine Drainage. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, 1946. (TN321 .B6 1944)
Authors Smoke Research
Benner, Dr. Raymond C. Papers on the Effects of Smoke on Building Materials. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 6 bulletin 6)
Clevenger, J.F. The Effect of the Soot in Smoke on Vegetation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 7 bulletin 7)
McClelland, Ellwood H. Bibliography of Smoke and Smoke Prevention. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 .M5 vol. 2 bulletin no. 2)
O'Connor Jr., John J. The Economic Cost of the Smoke Nuisance to Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. TD884 . M5 vol. 4 bulletin 4
Kimball, Dr. Herbert H. The Meteorological Aspect of the Smoke Problem. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 5 bulletin 5)
Klotz, Oskar & William Charles White. Papers of the Influence of Smoke on Health. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 9 bulletin 9)
University of Pittsburgh. Some Engineering Phases of Pittsburgh's Smoke Problem. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1914. (TD884 . M5 vol. 8 bulletin 8)
University of Pittsburgh: Department of Industrial Research. Smoke Investigation: Outline of the Smoke Investigation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1912. TD884 .M5 vol. 1 bulletin no. 1
Walin, J.E. Wallace. Psychological Aspects of Problem of Atmospheric Smoke Pollution. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 .M5 vol. 3 bulletin no. 3)
Authors Materials Science
Swietoslawski, W. Coke Formation Process and Physico-Chemical Properties of Coals. New York: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, 1942. (Gifted Item)
American Foundrymen's Association. Handbook of Cupola Operation. Chicago: American Foundrymen's Association, 1946. (TS231 .A5)Swineford, Ada. Clays and Clay Minerals: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals. New York: Pergamon Press, 1957. (TN941 .N27 1957)
Chalmers, Bruce. Progress in Material Science (Incorporating Progress in Metal Physics). New York, NY : Pergamon Press, 1961. (TN1 .P96 vol. X no. 1)
Manufacturacturing Technology Division Air Force Systems Command & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-II First International Symposium on Electroslag Consumable Electrode Remelting And Casting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1967. (TN686 .I61 1967)
Manufacturacturing Technology Division Air Force Systems Command & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-II Second International Symposium on Electroslag Consumable Electrode Remelting And Casting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1969. (TN686 .I61 1969)
Bhat, G.K. and A. Simkovich. Fifth International Symposium on Electroslag and Other Special Melting Technologies - Part I & II. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1974. (TN686 .I61 vol. I & II 1974)
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Mellon Institute. The Crucible. Pittsburgh: The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society. (No call no.)
Mellon Institute. Pittsburgh Section American Chemical Society (Golden Anniversary, 1903-1953). Pittsburgh: The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society, Through the Courtesy of The Fisher Scientific Company. (No call no.)
Mellon Institute. Mellon Institute News: vol. 22: 39-43, 45-52 (June 25, 1959-September 24, 1959), vol. 23: 1-7, 9-48, 51 (October, 1959-September 1960), vol. 24 1-28, 20-52 (October, 1960-September 1961)
Henderson, William F. and Harold E. Dietrich. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry - "Cellulose Sausage Casings". Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1926. (Vol. 18 No. 11)
Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. Twenty-Five Years of Chemical Engineering Progress - Silver Anniversary Volume . New York: Mellon Institute, 1933. (TP20 .A5 1933)
Weidlein Jr., Edward R.Ruark. The Biochemistry of Inositol : A Critical Examination of the Literature. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1951. (QD341 .A2W4)
Rathmann, Dorothy M. Zein an Annotated Bibliography 1891-1953: Bibliographic Series Bulletin No. 7 Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1954. (QD431 .R23 1954)
American Society for Metals (Pittsburgh Chapter) & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-III Third International Symposium on Electroslag and other Special Melting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1971. (TN686 .I61 1971)American Chemical Society Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at the 158th National Meeting. New York: American Chemical Society, 1969. (QD1 .A53w vol. IX, No. 2)
American Chemical Society Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at th
e 158th National Meeting. New York: American Chemical Society, 1971. (QD1 .A53w vol. XI, No. 2)
American Chemical Society. Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at 162nd National Meeting. Pittsburgh: American Chemical Society, 1971. (QD1 .A53W 1971)
About the Mellon Institute
Mellon Instittue. Mellon Institute Laboratory Notebook: Things to Rember. Pittsburgh, PA : Robert Kennedy Duncan Club. (No call no.)
Mellon Institute. A List of the Books, Bulletins, Journal Contributions, and Patents by Members of Mellon Institute 1911-1938 - Bibliographic Series Bulletin No. 4, 5 . Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1939. (Z7911 .M5)
Mellon Institute. A List of the Mellon Institute Publications 1949-1964. USA : Mellon Institute, 1949. (Gifted Item)