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Mellon Institute Library Special Collections: Newsletters

A brief history of the Mellon Institute and a description and listing of the materials held in the library's special collection.





Mellon Dedication, by Cuttlefish on Picassa

Mine Drainage Research

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh, PA : Mellon Institute, 1965. (TN321 .S98 1965)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Second Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1968. (TN321 .S98 1968)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Third Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1970. (TN321 .S98 1970)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Fourth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1972. (TN321 .S98 1972)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Fifth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1974. (TN321 .S98 1974)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Sixth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1976. (TN321 .S98 1976)

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission and Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Seveth Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1977. (TN321 .S98 1977)

Hinkle, M.E. and W.A. Koehler. Annual Report for 1944 of Bituminous Coal Research, Inc. Investigations on coal Mine Drainage. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, 1946. (TN321 .B6 1944)


Smoke Research


Benner, Dr. Raymond C. Papers on the Effects of Smoke on Building Materials. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 6 bulletin 6)

Clevenger, J.F. The Effect of the Soot in Smoke on Vegetation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 7 bulletin 7)

McClelland, Ellwood H. Bibliography of Smoke and Smoke Prevention. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 .M5 vol. 2 bulletin no. 2)

O'Connor Jr., John J. The Economic Cost of the Smoke Nuisance to Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. TD884 . M5 vol. 4 bulletin 4

Kimball, Dr. Herbert H. The Meteorological Aspect of the Smoke Problem. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 5 bulletin 5)

Klotz, Oskar & William Charles White. Papers of the Influence of Smoke on Health. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 . M5 vol. 9 bulletin 9)

University of Pittsburgh. Some Engineering Phases of Pittsburgh's Smoke Problem. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1914. (TD884 . M5 vol. 8 bulletin 8)

University of Pittsburgh: Department of Industrial Research. Smoke Investigation: Outline of the Smoke Investigation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1912. TD884 .M5 vol. 1 bulletin no. 1

Walin, J.E. Wallace. Psychological Aspects of Problem of Atmospheric Smoke Pollution. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1913. (TD884 .M5 vol. 3 bulletin no. 3)


Materials Science


Swietoslawski, W. Coke Formation Process and Physico-Chemical Properties of Coals. New York: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, 1942. (Gifted Item)

American Foundrymen's Association. Handbook of Cupola Operation. Chicago: American Foundrymen's Association, 1946. (TS231 .A5)

Swineford, Ada. Clays and Clay Minerals: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals. New York: Pergamon Press, 1957. (TN941 .N27 1957)

Chalmers, Bruce. Progress in Material Science (Incorporating Progress in Metal Physics). New York, NY : Pergamon Press, 1961. (TN1 .P96 vol. X no. 1)

Manufacturacturing Technology Division Air Force Systems Command & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-II First International Symposium on Electroslag Consumable Electrode Remelting And Casting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1967. (TN686 .I61 1967)

Manufacturacturing Technology Division Air Force Systems Command & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-II Second International Symposium on Electroslag Consumable Electrode Remelting And Casting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1969. (TN686 .I61 1969)

Bhat, G.K. and A. Simkovich. Fifth International Symposium on Electroslag and Other Special Melting Technologies - Part I & II. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1974. (TN686 .I61 vol. I & II 1974)

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Mellon Institute. The Crucible. Pittsburgh: The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society. (No call no.)

Mellon Institute. Pittsburgh Section American Chemical Society (Golden Anniversary, 1903-1953). Pittsburgh: The Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society, Through the Courtesy of The Fisher Scientific Company. (No call no.)

Mellon Institute. Mellon Institute News:  vol. 22: 39-43, 45-52 (June 25, 1959-September 24, 1959), vol. 23: 1-7, 9-48, 51 (October, 1959-September 1960), vol. 24 1-28, 20-52 (October, 1960-September 1961)

Henderson, William F. and Harold E. Dietrich. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry - "Cellulose Sausage Casings". Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1926. (Vol. 18 No. 11)

Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. Twenty-Five Years of Chemical Engineering Progress - Silver Anniversary Volume . New York: Mellon Institute, 1933. (TP20 .A5 1933)

Weidlein Jr., Edward R.Ruark. The Biochemistry of Inositol : A Critical Examination of the Literature. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1951. (QD341 .A2W4)

Rathmann, Dorothy M. Zein an Annotated Bibliography 1891-1953: Bibliographic Series Bulletin No. 7 Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1954. (QD431 .R23 1954)

American Society for Metals (Pittsburgh Chapter) & Mellon Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. A Collection of Technical Papers - Parts I-III Third International Symposium on Electroslag and other Special Melting Technology. Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1971. (TN686 .I61 1971)

American Chemical Society Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at the 158th National Meeting. New York: American Chemical Society, 1969. (QD1 .A53w vol. IX, No. 2)

American Chemical Society Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at th

Electron Microscope at Mellon; Image provided by the Heinz History Center

e 158th National Meeting. New York: American Chemical Society, 1971. (QD1 .A53w vol. XI, No. 2)

American Chemical Society. Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry. Preprints of Papers Presented at 162nd National Meeting. Pittsburgh: American Chemical Society, 1971. (QD1 .A53W 1971)


About the Mellon Institute


Mellon Instittue. Mellon Institute Laboratory Notebook: Things to Rember. Pittsburgh, PA : Robert Kennedy Duncan Club. (No call no.)

Mellon Institute. A List of the Books, Bulletins, Journal Contributions, and Patents by Members of Mellon Institute 1911-1938 - Bibliographic Series Bulletin No. 4, 5 . Pittsburgh: Mellon Institute, 1939. (Z7911 .M5)

Mellon Institute. A List of the Mellon Institute Publications 1949-1964. USA : Mellon Institute, 1949. (Gifted Item)