Chemical Toxicological Series: RC 963.I4c
- Bulletin No. 1: Industrial air sampling and analysis / by Leslie Silverman. Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 72 pp. (1947).
- Bulletin No. 2: Hygienic guides. Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 9 pp. (1963).
- Bulletin No. 3: Threshold limit values (recommended revisions and additions). Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 5 pp. (1965).
- Bulletin No. 5: Threshold limit values (recommended revisions and additions for 1967). Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 5 pp. (1967).
- Bulletin No. 6: Range-finding toxicity data for 43 compounds / by William E. Reinhart, Marianne Kaschak, and Emil A. Pfitzer. Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 11 pp. (1967).
- Bulletin No. 7: Threshold limit values (a report of progress in 1967 and announcement of 1968 Workshop on Threshold Limit Values). Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 17 pp. (1967).
- Bulletin No. 8: Suggested principles and procedures for developing data for threshold limit values for air: experimental animal data - data from human subjects / by Herbert F. Stokinger. Chemical Toxicological Series.
Pittsburgh, PA. 36 pp. (1969).
Foundation Facts (newsletter): RC 963.I4f
- Foundation Factsnewsletterv. 1 - 11 (1939 - 1949)v. 12 - 20 (1950 - 1958)
Continued by:
Industrial Hygiene Features (1959 - 1971)
Legal Series: RC 963.I4L
- Bulletin, No. 1, Pt. 1-7, and Supplement No. 1-2: A survey of the statutes and court decisions respecting occupational disease from air pollution.
Pittsburgh, PA. 8 pp. (1936-37).
- Bulletin No. 2: A critical study of provisions for occupational disease legislation.
Pittsburgh, PA. 22 pp. (1937).
- Bulletin No. 3: Compensation legislation - a critical review.
Pittsburgh, PA. 76 pp. (1937).
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 1 - 3 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 4: Current status of compensation for pneumoconioses.

Pittsburgh, PA. (1968).
- Bulletin No. 5: A serious threat to workmen's compensation.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1963).
- Bulletin No. 6: The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1963).
- Bulletin No. 7: Rehabilitation.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1965).
- Bulletin No. 8: Current federal workmen's compensation and health and safety legislation.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1969).
- Bulletin No. 9: Corporate counsel and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1972).
Management Series: RC 963.I4ma
- Bulletin No. 1-71: Is your company's health program prepared for OSHA inspection? Pittsburgh, PA. 17 pp. (1971)
Medical Series: RC 963.I4m
- Bulletin No. 1: Silicosis and allied disorders; history and industrial importance.
Pittsburgh, PA. 178 pp. (1937).
- Bulletin No. 2: The comparative values of chest roentgenograms made on film and on paper for industrial surveys.
Pittsburgh, PA. 20 pp. 6 charts. (1939). $2.00.
- Bulletin No. 3: The choice of methods of roentgen examination of the chest for diagnostic surveys.
Pittsburgh, PA. 73 pp. (1940). $2.00.
- Bulletin No. 4: Sick absenteeism in industry.
Pittsburgh, PA. 29 pp. (1940).
- Bulletin No. 5: A comparison of stereoscopic miniature chest films, single roentgenograms on paper, and single roentgenograms on large films.
Pittsburgh, PA. 15 pp. (1942). $1.00.
- Bulletin No. 6: Effects of daily exposures to arc welding fumes and gases upon normal and tuberculous animals.
Pittsburgh, PA. 15 pp. (1942). $1.00.
NOTE: Bulletins No. 1-6 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 7: Health problems of women in industry / by C.O. Sappington.
Pittsburgh, PA. 40 pp. (1944). $.50.
- Bulletin No. 8: Industrial health department functions and relationships / by C. O. Sappington.
Pittsburgh, PA. 98 pp. (1948). $2.00.
- Bulletin No. 9: Tuberculosis in industry (includes: Mass case findings in industry; The placement of workers in Industry; Tuberculosis among industrial workers; The workingman's chief concern; Compensation aspects of tuberculosis).
Pittsburgh, PA. 27 pp. (1949).
- Bulletin No. 10: Emphysema in industry.
Pittsburgh, PA. 127 pp. (1966).
- Bulletin No. 11: Asbestos bioeffects research for industry.
Pittsburgh, PA. 16 pp. (1966).
- Bulletin No. 12: The Pneumoconioses.
Pittsburgh, PA. 33 pp. (1967).
- Bulletin No. 13: A report on health aspects of fibrous glass.
Pittsburgh, PA. 7 pp. (1968).
- Bulletin No. 14: Acute radiation syndrome.
Pittsburgh, PA. 23 pp. (1968).
- Bulletin No. 15: Current concepts of biostatistical services for industry: proceedings of the IHF Biostatistical Workshop, July 29-30, 1968.
Pittsburgh, PA. 37 pp. (1969).
- Bulletin No. 16: Proceedings: Fibrous dust seminar. November 22, 1968.
Pittsburgh, PA. 77 pp. (1970).
- Bulletin No. 17: Hydrofluoric acid burn management.
Pittsburgh, PA. 8 pp. (1970).
- Bulletin No. 18: Proteolytic enzymes in cotton mill dust - a possible cause of byssinosis.
Pittsburgh, PA. 14 pp. (1971).
Nursing Series: RC 963.I4n
- Bulletin No. 1: Employee mental health and industrial nursing practices: an experimental course.
Pittsburgh, PA. 13 pp. (1965).
- Bulletin No. 2: Employee mental health and industrial nursing practices: a pilot study of current practices.
Pittsburgh, PA. 14 pp. (1969).
- Bulletin No. 3: The extended role of the nurse in occupational mental health programs.
Pittsburgh, PA. 18 pp. (1971).
Preventive Engineering Series: RC 963.I4e
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 1: The determination of benzol vapor in the atmosphere.
Pittsburgh, PA. 8 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 3: The determination of chlorinated hydrocarbon vapors in the atmosphere.
Pittsburgh, PA. 9 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 4: Design of exhaust hoods.
Pittsburgh, PA. 9 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 5: Design of duct work for exhaust systems.
Pittsburgh, PA. 14 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 6: Determination of lead in the air.

Pittsburgh, PA. 9 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 7: Identification of industrial dusts.
Pittsburgh, PA. 18 pp. (1938).
- Bulletin No. 2, Pt. 8: Routine sampling for control of atmospheric impurities.
Pittsburgh, PA. 19 pp. (1939).
- Bulletin No. 3, Pt. 1: Air-flow measurement by the dilution method.
Pittsburgh, PA. 9 pp. (1942). $.50.
- Bulletin No. 3, Pt. 2: Measurement of air-flow rate in industrial ventilation.
Pittsburgh, PA. 18 pp. (1946). $.75.
- Bulletin No. 4: Air-conditioned crane cabs / by B.R. Small.
Pittsburgh, PA. 24 pp. (1947).
- Bulletin No. 6: Water Quality Act of 1965: Public Law 89-234. 89th Congress. S.4.
Pittsburgh, PA. 6 pp. (1965).
NOTE: 1942 - 1945 are in a single bound volume.
- Proceedings of seventh annual meeting ... November 10-11, 1942.
Pittsburgh, PA. 196 pp. (1942); abstract, Ind. Med. 12, No. 1: 14-31 (1943).
- Proceedings of eighth annual meeting ... November 10-11, 1943.
Pittsburgh, PA. 122 pp. (1943).
- Proceedings of ninth annual meeting ... November 15-16, 1944.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1944).
- Part I: Putting the disabled veteran back to work, II. 33 pp.
- Part II: Sickness indemnification. 55 pp.
- Part III: Transactions, Legal Section. 25 pp.
- Part IV: Transactions, Medical and Engineering Section. 57 pp.
- Part V: Transactions, Management Section. 15 pp.
- Proceedings of tenth annual meeting ... November 14-15, 1945.
Pittsburgh, PA. (1945).
- Part I: Transactions, Management Section. 40 pp.
- Part II: Putting the disabled veteran back to work, III. 25 pp.
- Part III: Transactions, Medical and Engineering Section. 52 pp.
- Proceedings of eleventh annual meeting ... November 7, 1946.
Pittsburgh, PA. 116 pp. (1946).
- Proceedings of twelfth annual meeting ... November 20, 1947. A better place to work. (Includes: Foundation Facts, 1947-48; A better place to work; Community attitude on working conditions; Results of foundation field research; Industrial health programs in action; Summaries of conferences; Industrial health administration; Atomic power and industry; Sickness insurance; Health and welfare funds).
Pittsburgh, PA. 85 pp. (1947).
- Thirteenth annual meeting. Chemical and toxicological conference summary. November 19, 1948.
Pittsburgh, PA. Part I: 5 pp. Part II: 4 pp. (1948).
Publications Source List: RC 963.I4a
- Listing of reprints and journals that have been abstracted in the Industrial Hygiene Digest.1949; 1953; 1961; 1967; 1969
Special Research Series: RC 963.I4s
- Bulletin No. 1, Pt. 1-2: Concentrations of volatile sulphur compounds in atmospheric air.
Pittsburgh, PA. 132 pp. (1937-38).
- Bulletin No. 2: Putting the disabled veteran back to work; a panel discussion.
Pittsburgh, PA. 24 pp. (1943).
- Bulletin No. 3: Putting the disabled veteran back to work, II; a further panel discussion. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 9th Annual Meeting 1944.
Pt. 1. 33 pp. (1945).
- Bulletin No. 4: Putting the disabled veteran back to work, III; a further panel discussion. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 10th Annual Meeting 1945.
Pt. 2. 25 pp. (1946).
Transactions: RC 963.I4t
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 1 - 9 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 1: Sickness idemnification; a panel discussion. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 9th Annual Meeting 1944.
Pt. 2. 55 pp. (1945).
- Bulletin No. 2: Transactions, Legal Section. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 9th Annual Meeting 1944.
Pt. 3. 25 pp. (1945).
- Bulletin No. 3: Transactions, Medical and Engineering Section. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 9th Annual Meeting 1944.
Pt. 4. 55 pp. (1945).
- Bulletin No. 4: Transactions, Management Section. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 9th Annual Meeting 1944.
Pt. 5. 15 pp. (1945).
- Bulletin No. 5: Transactions, Management Section. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 10th Annual Meeting 1945.
Pt. 1. 40 pp. (1946).
- Bulletin No. 6: Transactions, Medical and Engineering Section. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 10th Annual Meeting 1945.
Pt. 3. 52 pp. (1946).
- Bulletin No. 7: Transactions, Legal Section. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 11th Annual Meeting 1945.
Pt. 4. 24 pp. (1946).
- Bulletin No. 8: Transactions, Legal Section. Proceedings. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 11th Annual Meeting 1946.
116 pp. (1947). $1.00.
- Bulletin No. 9: A Better place to work. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 12th Annual Meeting 1947.
85 pp. (1948). $1.00.
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 10 - 21 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 10: Health at work. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 13th Annual Meeting 1948.
119 pp. (1949).
- Bulletin No. 11: Developing human resources. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 14th Annual Meeting 1949.
88 pp. (1950).
- Bulletin No. 12: Legal conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 14th Annual Meeting 1949.
49 pp. (1950).
- Bulletin No. 13: Industrial wastes. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 14th Annual Meeting 1949.
116 pp. (1950).
- Bulletin No. 14: Chemical Engineering Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 14th Annual Meeting 1949.
54 pp. (1950).
- Bulletin No. 15: The Human side of industry. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 15th Annual Meeting 1950.
101 pp. (1951).
- Bulletin No. 16: Legal Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 15th Annual Meeting 1950.
50 pp. (1951).
- Bulletin No. 17: Medical - Legal Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 15th Annual Meeting 1950.
37 pp. (1951).
- Bulletin No. 18: Chemical Engineering Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 15th Annual Meeting 1950.
46 pp. (1951).
- Bulletin No. 19: The Executive and health. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 16th Annual Meeting 1951.
91 pp. (1952).
- Bulletin No. 20: Medical - Legal Conference. Administration of workmen's compensation laws. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 16th Annual Meeting 1951.
37 pp. (1952).
- Bulletin No. 21: Legal Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 16th Annual Meeting 1951.
27 pp. (1952).
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 22 - 28 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 22: The Greater industrial health. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 17th Annual Meeting 1952.
22 pp. (1953).
- Bulletin No. 23: Chemical - Toxicological Conference. Engineering Conference. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 17th Annual Meeting 1952.
47 pp. (1953).
- Bulletin No. 24: Legal Conference. Legal aspects of noise in industry. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 17th Annual Meeting 1952.
47 pp. (1953).
- Bulletin No. 25: Medical - Legal Conference. Administration of workmen's compensation laws. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 17th Annual Meeting 1952.
43 pp. (1953).
- Bulletin No. 26: General meeting. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 18th Annual Meeting 1953.
87 pp. (1954).
- Bulletin No. 27: Medical/Legal/Medial-Legal/Engineering/Chemical-Toxicological Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 18th Annual Meeting 1953.
181 pp. (1954).
- Bulletin No. 28: General meeting. Medical/Legal/Medical-Legal/Engineering/Chemical-Toxicological Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, 19th Annual Meeting 1954.
181 pp. (1955).
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 29 - 30 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 29: General meeting. Medical/Chemical-Toxicological/Medical & Chemical-Toxicological/Legal/Engineering/Engineering-Legal. Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 20th Annual Meeting 1955.
274 pp.
- Bulletin No. 30: Management/Medical/Legal/Chemical-Toxicolgical/Engineering/Joint Technical Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 21st Annual Meeting 1956.
281 pp.
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 31 - 34 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 31: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 22nd Annual Meeting 1957.
- Bulletin No. 32: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 23rd Annual Meeting 1958.
- Bulletin No. 33: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 24th Annual Meeting 1959.
- Bulletin No. 34: Management/Engineering/Chemical-Toxicological/Joint Medical-Legal/Medical/Legal Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 25th Annual Meeting 1960.
186 pp.
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 35 - 39 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 35: Management/Engineering/Chemical-Toxicological/Legal/Medical-Legal Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 26th Annual Meeting 1961.
170 pp.
- Bulletin No. 36: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 27th Annual Meeting 1962.
- Bulletin No. 37: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 28th Annual Meeting 1963.
- Bulletin No. 38: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 29th Annual Meeting 1964.
- Bulletin No. 39: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 30th Annual Meeting 1965.
NOTE: Bulletin Nos. 40 - 43 are in a single bound volume.
- Bulletin No. 40: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 31st Annual Meeting 1966.
- Bulletin No. 41: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 32nd Annual Meeting 1967.
- Bulletin No. 42: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 33rd Annual Meeting 1968.
- Bulletin No. 43: Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 34th Annual Meeting 1969.
- Bulletin No. 44: Management and Technical Conferences. Transactions. Industrial Health Foundation, Inc. 35th Annual Meeting 1970.
138 pp. (1971).